Friday, November 1, 2013

Mother Nature Showing Her Splendid Colors

I  know I haven't posted much lately, but I haven't been around much either.  My Mother-in-law has been dealing with some major health issues, so a lot of our free time has been spent bouncing between the hospital and nursing home with her.  Somewhere in the middle of it all I realized that Mother Nature has been creeping up on us down here, showing her splendid colors of fall.  Being from Northern Wisconsin, I am not use to having fall so late in the year.  It's the first of November and our leaves down here in Indiana are just starting to show their true colors.  Back home, fall has come and gone and snow has threatened a few times already.  I was talking with Mom the other day on the phone and I told her that if she came for a visit she could enjoy fall all over again!  Here are a few shots from outside my front door...

The house sparrows are still here in mass numbers and have picked up a few buddies along the way also.  When we first moved here we had 2 cardinals hanging around.  They had 2 babies over the summer and their babies now have 2 new friends for a total of 6 different cardinals.  I don't know if they think they are part sparrow or what, but they are always with the house sparrows wherever they go.  If you see one, the others are close behind.  Here is a pick of the buddies sitting in the top of my tree in the front yard.

Here is another one of the sparrow buddies... kind of hard to pick them out with all the colors going on, but they are on top of the red bush.

I did notice the other day that there were some different birds hanging out with the sparrows, but of course I didn't have my camera handy at the time so no pictures of them ...yet.  They were more finch size with rosy pink chest feathers and brown backs.  

Here are a few more pics from the front door...

I hope you are enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer as much as I do.  

Until next time...



I LOVE red birds. You have gorgeous fall colors.

Montanagirl said...

You have such beauty right outside your door!

jack69 said...

That camera is working over time and great. Some great details in these shots. Walking yesterday I spied a complete Black leaf in amongst the yellow. I thought that was neat, I had not the camera.
You have done very Well here. I love 'em.

(But them mama loves the camera also.)

jack69 said...

Ih, I should have mentioned first, sorry to hear the health problems of MIL, Prayers for her health.

Love ya!

~mel said...

Beautiful pics Sara! I was taking note of the different kinds of shrubbery and berries you have in your yard... thus the reason the birds like your place so much!

I hope Maggie is adjusting and doing as best she can. Hugs to you and Don and the rest of the family ~ these are stressful times for you... I know... but hold strong and don't forget the power of prayer. So many times in life we have to remember to just turn it over to the Lord! HE will carry you through!!

I love you and miss you like crazy!!! XXOXOXO

Sara S. said...

Mom, if you know the names of any of my shrubs let me know. The only one I can truly identify is the cedar shrub. The evergreen I thought was just a spruce, but I have never seen berry looking things on a spruce before. And the other shrub started off with little green berries about a month ago and now they are turning almost black in color, almost like a blueberry but its the wrong time of year for them. The birds don't eat any of the berries on any of the bushes, I think they just like them for the open cover in the branches during the day and the denser cover at night in the evergreens. I'm open for suggestions on what you think they are.

Dar said...

Sara, so sorry to hear about Don's mom, but as Your mom says, turn it over to the Lord. He will guide you and your hearts. Our love and prayers are with you, always.

As for those shrubs, as your auntie, I can tell you that the last one is the American Yew and the berries are poisonous. Could be why the birds aren't eating them.
The black berries look like Black Huckleberries. They do have look-alikes that are poisonous so I wouldn't suggest making a pie just yet. It could be that they sweeten up after they freeze but don't take my word on this one.
You have a Juniper there, a nice one or as you call it, cedar. cut some branches for Christmas. they smell goood.
the grass looks like a needlegrass or prairie dropseed...just guessing without looking it up. That's a gorgeous sight out your door. What's the red stuff? barberry???
Life is soooo Interesting.

Sara S. said...

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for my Mother-in-law, they mean a lot in these troubling times.

Dar~ thanks for identifying a few of my shrubs. I figured the berries were poisonous because the birds weren't eating them... if they can eat it then I question if I should lol. The juniper/cedar looking shrub is actually the neighbor's, along with the tall grasses, but it's the view I see every day when I step out on my front patio. As far as the barberry as you called it goes, I have no clue if that's what it is or not. All of the shrubs were planted by the previous owner and Don doesn't care for them, therefore he never learned what they were.

If anyone else can help identify anything I would greatly appreciate it.

~mel said...

Sara ~ Bailey is here looking at your blog with me. She said to tell you she really likes it. The pink tree is really cool. She misses you and hopes you can come home for Christmas. Or come home for Thanksgiving when Aunt Colleen is going to be here. Just come home!!! She said I miss my Auntie Fudge Ball.

Sara S. said...

LOL, that Bailey just cracks me up sometimes... Fudge Ball. I called her Pudge one day and she thought I called her Fudge. She put her hand on her hip and said "Fine, if I'm Fudge then your a Fudge Ball," and she's been calling me that ever since.
I really wish we could come home for Christmas or Thanksgiving, but I don't see it happening this year. I didn't realize that Aunt Colleen was coming home again. Now I really miss everyone more than I did before. This whole migrating south crap is for the birds lol. How about everyone comes down here for Christmas!!! Give Pudge a squeeze for me and tell her to have her Mama send me pics of her new hair cut! Love and miss everyone!

Dicky Bird said...

Love the pictures. Reading all the comments - you have an awesome family!

Dar said...

Mornin' Sweetcheeks~
I go crazy when I can't identify a plant so been searching. Your pink/red one just may be a (are ya ready for this?), it may be a Disanthus Cercidifolius...I know, I know...TMI LOL I love the thing but wouldn't remember what to ask for at the greenhouse.
Can't wait to see your sweet smile again. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you....what color is your hair today?????
Life is Still Good

Dar said...

how bout a Pendula? It has the weeping leaves in the fall...maybe?
Parrotia is from the same family. Good luck with this. You sure have me stumped with those warmer zoned shrubs.
Loveya, dar